What is Hacking and Ethical Hacking Legal or Illegal? || LN-TECHINFO

Today we will know what is Hacking  and how many types of hackers are there. Nowadays the demand for computers and smartphones has increased so much that people cannot complete their work except these two things. Computers are used everywhere whether we do our own business or work in a company or bank. It is mandatory to use a computer to run a company or to run a business because with the help of this, we do a lot of work and calculations in a few minutes. Just as you have to face small and big problems in completing every task, in the same way, while working in computers, many problems have to be faced.

You must have heard about Cyber-crime, if I have not heard, I will tell you. Cyber-crime is a crime in which hackers steal important data and personal files from other people's computers using computers and blackmail them and demand a lot of money from them. Every year due to cyber-crime, many organizations whose data have been stolen, people have to pay millions of rupees to save their data.

In the computer world, this crime is increasing and in such a situation, everyone needs to save their important files of their company and business from these hackers. But here the question arises that after all how to protect the important files kept in computers from being stolen. If you want to know the answer to this question, then read this article, what is Hacking ? And is it legal or illegal ?

What is Hacking

Hacking means finding a weakness in the computer system and then taking advantage of the same weakness to blackmail the owner of that computer. Hacking is done by a person through a computer which we call hacker and he has a lot of knowledge of computer and computer knowledge, so he is expert in stealing data from other computers. Hearing the name of Hacking, it is known that this is a wrong thing because it is illegal and by doing so a person can be punished. But hacking is not wrong every time because not all hackers are the same, some are good hackers and some are bad hackers. Who are the good and bad hackers and what do they do? Let's find out about it further.

History of Hacking and what is done in Hacking

Hacking has been a very big part of computing for the last several decades. This is a very broad discipline, which covers a wide range of topics. If we find out when this hacking happened first, then we will know that it was first used in the year 1960 in MIT , and at the same time the word " Hacker " was also born and which was also very famous later.

If I talk about the process of Hacking technically, then the main task that has to be done in it is to find the possible entry points in any computer network or computer system and then finally enter it. Hacking usually requires unauthorized access gain in a computer system or computer network Its purpose is to either damage the system or steal the sensitive information in the system.

Hacking is often legal as long as a hacker uses it to discover the weaknesses of a computer system or computer network for testing purpose. This type of hacking is called Ethical Hacking.

A computer expert who does this hacking himself is called an " Ethical Hacker

 ". Ethical hackers are those who always use their knowledge to gain knowledge, how systems operate, how they are designed, and sometimes to test the security strength of the system.

Types of Hacking

We can divide Hacking into different categories, for this we will see what has been hacked. I will give you some examples to explain you

  • Website Hacking - This type of Hacking means to gain unauthorized control over a web server and its associated software such as databases and other interfaces.
  • Network Hacking - This type of Hacking means to get all the information over a network and for which there are many tools like Telnet , NS lookup, Ping, Tracert, Netstat, etc. The main purpose of doing this is only to harm the network system and its operation.
  • Email Hacking - This type of Hacking means that the hacker gets unauthorized access to his email account without the owner's permission. Later, he is going to use it for his illigal works.
  • Ethical Hacking - This type of Hacking means identifying the weaknesses of a system or network and helping the owner to fix it. This is a safe hacking process in which all work is done under the supervision of the owner.
  • Password Hacking - This type of Hacking means that in which secret passwords are retrieved from data which is stored in the computer system or transmitted by a computer system.
  • Computer Hacking - This type of Hacking means that the hacker knows the computer ID and password of a computer system by using hacking methods Air so that they get unauthorized access to a computer system. This puts owners at risk of getting their data stolen.

What are the types of hackers?

Basically hackers are of three types, two of them are bad hacker who harm people by doing bad things and one hacker is good which saves us from both these bad hackers. The good hacker is called the white hat hacker, the bad hacker is called the black hat hacker and the one who comes in between these two means the one who does both good and bad works is called gray hat hacker.

1# Black Hat Hacker

Black hat hacker are those who sneak into your computer without your permission and steal your personal data like corporate data, fund transactions details, ATM card details etc. Many things that we keep in the computer, which these hackers They steal and take advantage of our weakness and ask for ransom from us. Black hat hackers are very bad and they harm the other for their benefit.

2# White Hat hacker

White hat hackers are the people who do the complete opposite of the black hat hacker, that is, these hackers take permission and check the security of the computer, they do it only to know or to help a company. How strong is the security of their system and whether that security can be broken easily or not. We are also called White hat hackers as Ethical hacker.

3# Grey Hat Hacker

Gray hat hacker are those who have no intention of personally messing with the computer data of the others or impair their system and they do not even need money in return. But even then, without permission, we try to hack others' computers using their skills. They do this just to learn how to do hacking, so their motive is not bad, so they are not black hat hacker and they tried to hack the computer without permission, so they are not even white hacker, so such hacker We say gray hat hacker.
Apart from this, there are some different types of hackers, about whom the information is provided below.

4# Miscellaneous Hacker

Except for the second class of hackers, they are also distributed for their hacking methods. So let's know more about it.

Red Hat Hackers

They are called red hat hackers which is a mixture of both black hat and white hat hackers. She mainly targets government agencies, top-secret information hubs, and all those things which belong to sensitive information to hack them.

Blue Hat Hackers

Blue Hat Hackers are called those who are often freelancer and do not work for any companies but they have complete knowledge about network security, apps, software. Such hackers are used by companies to know the loopholes of their products, for this they provide beta verison of products to them and after all they help companies a lot in this work. Companies also provide them a lot of money. Many companies organize many such competitions to encourage such blue hat hackers.

Elite Hackers

This is a social status among the hackers community, which is available only to selected hackers who have exceptional skills. Like this, they are the most expert players in their work. All newly discovered exploits are the first of these hackers.

Script Kiddie

script kiddie is called one who is completely non-expert in his field and uses pre-packaged automated tools that are written by others to penetrate someone's computer systems. They do not know anything about those tools and how they work, and that is why they go to Kiddie.


These are the hackers who are "n00b", or "newbie" or "Green Hat Hacker". These people are often new in the field of hacking, who do not know anything about hacking and its technologies.


A hacktivist is called a hacker who uses technology to hack social, ideological, religious, or political messages. In this, most people use website defacement and denial-of-service attacks.

Who are some of the best Ethical Hackers in India?

You may be surprised to hear, but it is true that some Ethical Hackers of India are most famous in the whole world. Yes friends, this is right because our hackers are in the forefront of ethical hacking. So let's know about these Ethical Hackers. People who are raising the name of our country.

  • Rahul Tyagi
  • Ankit Fadia
  • Trishneet arora
  • Manan Shah |
  • Vaidehi sachin
  • Sahil Khan

These are some of the famous Ethical Hackers of India, although I have not mentioned about any other hackers here because only a few can be mentioned here. But later on another topic will be written about them. Do you know about the world's biggest hacker, if not, then read it.

Ethical Hacking Basic Terminologies

Here we will know about some basic terminologies related to Ethical Hacking which are used a lot in this hacking field and it is very important for all new hackers to know about it.

  • Adware - Adware is a software designed to force pre-chosen ads to be displayed on the screen.
  • Attack - This is an action that is done in the system to access it and extract sensitive data.
  • Backdoor - This back door, or trap door, is a hidden entry in a computing device or software that helps bypass all security measures, such as logins and password protections.
  • Bot - A bot is a program that helps automate an action, that work can be done repeatedly higher and without error, which is not possible to be done by a human operator, that too for a long time. . For example, sending HTTP, FTP or Telnet to higher rate and calling script so that they create object in higher rate .
  • Botnet - Botnet, also called zombie army, is called a group of computers which is done in the owner's knowledge. Botnets are used to send spam or to attack denial of service.
  • Brute force attack - A brute force attack is automated and it is the simplest method to gain access to a system or website. It keeps trying different combinations of usernames and passwords again and again until it finds the right combination.
  • Buffer Overflow - Buffer Overflow is a type of flaw that occurs when more data is written to a block of memory, or buffer, in which the buffer is instructed to hold more than the allocated space.
  • Clone Phishing - Clone phishing is a type of modification of existing, legitimate email with a false link to trick the recipient so that they provide all their personal information.
  • Cracker - A cracker is said to modify the software to access its protected features. These are such features which are copy protected.
  • Denial of service attack (DoS) - This denial of service (DoS) attack is called when a server or a network resource is made available for some time by a malicious attempt which are unavailable to the first users. . Usually, the services that are connected with the host are temporarily interrupted or suspend.
  • DDoS - This is distributed denial of service attack.
  • Exploit Kit - This exploit kit is a software system designed to run on web servers, its main purpose is to identify the software vulnerabilities of client machines and exploit the vulnerabilities for which these malicious code Uploads to the client for execution.
  • Exploit - Exploit is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or sequence of commands that can exploit a computer or network system if a bug or vulnerability arises.
  • Firewall - Firewall is a type of filter that is designed to keep unwanted intruders away from your computer system or network so that it provides safe communication between systems and users within which firewall.
  • Keystroke logging - Keystroke logging is a process to track the keys that would have been pressed, yes in a computer (and any touchscreen points used). It is simply a map of computer / human interface. They are used by gray and black hat hackers to record login IDs and passwords. Keyloggers are often secretly installed in a device using a Trojan in a phishing email.
  • Logic bomb - This is a virus that is secretly inserted inside the system and it is then triggered to met certain conditions. This is the time bomb of the most common version.
  • Malware - Malware is an umbrella term used to refer to many types of hostile or intrusive software, including computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware , spyware, adware, scareware , and other malicious programs.
  • Master Program - A master program is a program used by a black hat hacker to remotely activate commands and activate infected zombie drones, along with denial of service attacks or spam attacks. is done.
  • Phishing - Phishing is a type of e-mail fraud method in which sender sends emails that look exactly like legitimate-looking emails, whose main goal is to gather their personal and financial information from recipients.
  • Phreaker - Phreakers are often considered to be original computer hackers because they break a telephone network illegally, use it to free long distance phone calls or tap someone's calls.
  • Rootkit - Rootkit is a type of stealthy type software, which is typically malicious, and has been designed in such a way that these are not detected by common security softwares and they can do their work.
  • Shrink Wrap code - A Shrink Wrap code attack is an act that is used to exploit the holes of unpatched and poorly configured software.
  • Social engineering - Social engineering means intentionally misleading people so that they provide all their details such as personal information, like credit card details, usernames and passwords etc.
  • Spam - Spam simply an unsolicited email, also known as a junk email, which is sent to many recipients only against their will.
  • Spoofing - Spoofing is a technique that is used to gain unauthorized access to the computers of others. Here the intruder sends messages to the computer which has an IP address, so that it seems that the message came from a trusted host.
  • Spyware - Spyware is software that is primarily used to gather information of a person or company. But in this, the target does not get a little clue about it and he provides all the information even if he does not want to.
  • SQL Injection - SQL injection is a type of SQL code injection technique designed to attack data-driven applications, where malicious SQL statements are inserted into the entry field for execution (eg. For dumping database contents in front of attackers).
  • Threat - Threat is a possible danger that can exploit any serious bug or vulnerability that can cause any computer and network system to be comprise.
  • Trojan - A Trojan, or Trojan Horse, is a type of malicious program that appears to be a valid program but in disguised form, so that it is not so easy to distinguish it from a program. But it has been specially designed to destroy files, to work like alter information, steal passwords.
  • Virus - Virus is a type of malicious program or a piece of code that is capable of copying itself and also has a detrimental effect so that it is capable of corrupting any system and with it the data Can also destroy.
  • Vulnerability - Vulnerability is a type of weakness that allows hackers to compromise the security of a computer or network system.
  • Worms - A type of Worm is a self-replicating virus that can alter files, but it is present within active memory and keeps duplicating itself.
  • Cross-site scripting - Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability that is typically found in web applications. XSS enables attackers so that they inject client-side script into web pages which is then viewed by users.
  • Zombie Drone - You can also call a zombie drone a hi-jacked computer which can be used anonymously for a soldier or 'drone' for malicious activity. For example, distributing unwanted spam e-mails.

What is Ethical Hacking? Is this legal or Illegal?

You have come to know the three types of Hacking and it must have come to know that it is legal to do Ethical Hacking because this hacker hacks the computer by asking and improves the security of the system. Ethical hacker follows some rules to hack the system which is very important such as permission has to be taken before the owner of the computer, protects the privacy of the computer so that no one else can hack, discover the weakness of the computer The tax gives all the details to its owner by making a report.

By doing all these things, Ethical hacker protects a person or a company from the eyes of a bad hacker and also prevents them from being harmed. Big companies hire Ethical hacker in their company to secure their necessary files and corporate data and also give them good salary.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethical Hacking


  1. With this you can recover your lost information, especially when you forget your password.
  2. With this we can perform penetration testing so that we can check the strength of a computer or network security.
  3. With this we can take adequate preventative measures to prevent security breaches.
  4. By learning this, we can use to protect our computer from malicious hackers.


  • First of all, after learning Ethical Hacking, people start doing your wrong things in the greed of money.
  • From this we can get unauthorized access to one's system and get to know their private information.
  • With this we can also do privacy violation.
  • If used in reverse, then any system operation can also be damaged.

What is the Purpose of Ethical Hacking?

Let's know here what the main purpose of Ethical Hacking is and why nowadays everyone is behind it.

  1. Many people do this to show off their hacking knowledge to others.
  2. Some people do it just for fun.
  3. There are also many people who also do this to check the security of a company.
  4. How people do it to check the security of computer systems and networks.
